Software Company SEO Case Study

PPC and SEO Campaign for Restaurant POS Software to generate organic traffic and leads

"Annual increment in Organic Traffic by 48%. Lower Cost Per Acquisition for Paid Campaigns."

Excellence accompanies those who strive towards creating revolutions worldwide. Torqus systems aimed at creating one such revolution by automation of food and beverage industry. Featuring call center integration, online order site and app, Universal notifications, loyalty apps and programs as their prime aspects, they serve the restaurants some ease in operation. Along with a cost-effective approach towards managing restaurants, they also provide real-time support so that the process of running your bakery, coffee shop, food truck, food court, pubs and bars is smoothened.


Working on a digital marketing campaign based on SEO marketing and Google ad-words, they initially launched their efforts on lead generation and brand awareness. Somehow, things were going wrong and satisfactory results were not obtained. A grave issue was that the keywords were even ranking in first 10 pages on Google. To top it all, the CPA was rising high for the Google ad-words.


Google Ad words Campaign: Regarding Google ad-words, we mended them totally and inducted a new campaign. Through proper selection of related keywords, sorting was done. Google ad-words guidelines were followed in the formation of the ad-copies. Thus a brand new campaign was launched. A considerably lower CPL and CPA was observed through continuous monitoring, changes pertaining to necessities were made.

LinkedIn Campaign: On the LinkedIn Platform, we ran a brand awareness program by initiating an email campaign. It became possible for us to reach the desired audience through LinkedIn In-mailer Campaign. Promotion of our blog post on paid LinkedIn campaigns as part of brand awareness campaign was regulated. SEO Campaign: Duplicate content was found on the web-pages of the site. Through website audit, it was rectified. To scan the duplicate pages we used the Site-liner software which gave us details of exact Internal duplicate content on each page. We then focused our efforts on the On Page Optimisation of each web page and the innovative blog section. Through our keyword research, we also deciphered that city base restaurant software companies were in great demand and hence we decided to create new city base web pages.

Creating back-links on business listing, local listing, software listing, relevant directories, press releases and article submission were some of the back-link activities we adhered to.


Organic rankings were achieved on restaurant software related keywords. There was an annual increment in Organic Traffic by 48%. The Google Ad-words Campaign lead to lower Cost per lead and lower cost per acquisition.

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